Voting opens in: 00 00 00 00 Use your voice

How To Raise Your Voice

How do I vote?

There are a few different ways to cast your vote. Let’s have a look at your options...

What do I need to do so I can vote?

Voting is easy and anybody 16 or over can do it, but you’ll need to be on the register before the election. Find out what you need to do.

What happens after I vote?

You’ve used your vote and made yourself heard! Amazing!... But what happens next? Let’s find out...

How does politics affect me?

Whether you care about mental health services or climate change, homelessness or housing, politics affects everything, and it’s going to shape your future. Learn about the difference your vote can make.

What other ways can I get involved?

Voting is just one way of making yourself heard. Here are a few other ways to get involved and play a part in shaping your future.

What do the different political parties stand for?

Deciding who to vote for can be tricky, and there’s lots of things to consider. Find some helpful tools and information to help you make your decision and ask us your questions.

What does local government do?

What goes on in local government? What powers does it have here in Wales? How does it affect our lives?

How can I become a councillor?

If you care a lot about your community, or if there’s something you want to change, you can stand for election as a local councillor.

How is local government elected?

How are councils elected? How often do elections for local government take place?

Voting opens in: 00 00 00 00 Use your voice