Voting opens in: 00 00 00 00 Use your voice
It's Our Time


For the first time in Wales, 16 and 17-year olds were able to register to vote in the Local Elections, which took place on 5th May 2022.

Shape your future

Who should decide how much money is spent on local schools? Or how to tackle family poverty? Or whether we’re doing enough to tackle climate change and protect green spaces?

Why shouldn’t it be you? 

Your voice matters. The Local Elections are your shot to have a say on issues affecting our lives in here in Wales, like:

  • education
  • social care
  • housing
  • environment
  • the local economy
  • the Welsh language
Register to vote
Don’t stay silent while other people decide your future for you
“We all have to vote like our lives and the world depend on it, because they do. The only way to be certain of the future is to make it ourselves.” Billie Eilish

Make history

16 and 17 year olds can vote in local elections in Wales for the first time ever in May 2022 You can continue to be  part of history, and support the historical change for young people here in Wales by making local politicians sit up and take notice. 

Voting in elections is one of the most powerful ways to influence our own futures and the future of Wales. When you use your vote, you help decide who represents you and makes big decisions on your behalf. Politics and democracy influences everything around you, and right now more people can vote in Wales than ever before.

Register to vote Register to vote Register to vote
Make sure you’re registered to vote so you too get ready to Raise Your Voice .

It’s easy

You can only vote at elections if your name is on the Electoral Register, which is why you need to register first. You can do this on a mobile, tablet or laptop, and it only takes five minutes.

You can register to vote at any time, You need to register before that date of elections to be able to vote. 

If you’re over 16, you’ll need your National Insurance Number to register. For those aged 14 and up, you’re still able to register even though you won’t have been issued with a National Insurance Number yet. 

“You can make a change, I can make a change. You don't gotta be special, you don't gotta be rich, you don't gotta be famous, you don't gotta be beautiful — you just gotta be you with your one vote. So, let's all go vote.” Cardi B

Get registered on

Register to vote. If you don’t register, you won’t get to vote in the local elections, and you won’t get to have your say in your future and the future of your community.

Head over to the website to register your vote today. It only takes five minutes!

Voting opens in: 00 00 00 00 Use your voice